
Star wars imperial navy special forces
Star wars imperial navy special forces

Lord Vader's stormtrooper division, the 501st Legion, known as "Vader's Fist," inspired fear in any sentient species. The Imperial Military was not only a physical superpower, but a mental one as well. This position was held by several different Imperial officials over the course of the Empire's history, including Darth Vader, Thrawn, and Gilad Pellaeon.

star wars imperial navy special forces

In the absence of an official Emperor, the Supreme Commander often became the de-facto leader of the Empire, as was seen in the cases of Grand Admiral Thrawn and Gilad Pellaeon. The individual who held this title had complete control over the Imperial Military, and answered only to the Emperor. The next highest rank was that of the Supreme Commander, notably held by Darth Vader. As such, even though the various commanders merely carry out orders issued by the Emperor, they are considered to be the true positions of power in the New Order. Although the Galactic Emperor acted as the Commander-in-Chief of the Military, Palpatine rarely ever left the confines of his palace on Coruscant, leaving a relative few military personnel ever actually seeing him face to face. The Imperial Military was under the direct control of Imperial High Command. At the height of the Empire's reign, it's military ranks were filled with tens of trillions of regular army soldiers, trillions of fleet crew, and a sizable force of stormtroopers. The Imperial Military was a massive organization, as Palpatine did nothing to halt the massive military build up that had produced an army of troopers and enormous weapons of mass destruction following the Clone Wars. It was responsible for carrying out military operations throughout the galaxy as well as maintaining order on Imperial member worlds, governorships, colonies, and protectorates. The Imperial Military, also known as the Imperial armed forces or Imperial Service, was the armed forces of the Galactic Empire, and successor to the Republic Military. There is little in the galaxy that is not under the Empire's control, and it is but a trivial act for the Empire to annex a new world when the Emperor wills it." ― Admiral Wullf Yularen, Imperial Handbook: A Commander's Guide

star wars imperial navy special forces

Never in such numbers, never with so much variety, and never on so many worlds. Never before in the history of the galaxy has such a fighting force been assembled. " The scale of the Imperial war machine is unprecedented.

Star wars imperial navy special forces